Thursday, November 15, 2007

A Conversation with Evan Williams

The second day started off with Tim talking to the founder of Blogger and Twitter and 2 other companies, i.e Evan Williams [Andi made contact with Evan to invite him to the MSC Malaysia event in Dec 2007. Andi will provide the necessary update on this]

A quick Background of Evan (if you don't already know).
- Started out at the age of 21
- a drop out :)
- Founder of BLOGGER (which he later sold to GOOGLE in 2003) - 1999
- Founder of Twitter
- Founder of ODEO (of which he took 2 weeks to develop the first prototype using RUby on Rails!)
- after his GOOGLE days
- focusses on pod casting

Key Lessons:
- BLOGGER wasn' t the main product BUT became the main product.
- had a STRONG willingness to fail!!!

Product Development:
- Defining a scope of a product is important BUT ....
- The need to build a service that is not 100% perfect is also important
- Build a solution . service and allow users / consumers / PEOPLE to use it and build features based on people's requirements.
- KEY!!!
- its about the userts
- get the users and then get the funds!!!

20% of Twitter users are from Japan. How many are from Malaysia?

Evan encouraged people to develop on the twitter API, this is where the community of consumers plays a big role in developing and enhancing your service.

1 comment:

NaS said...

As I've told Evan, I was one of the addicted Twitties, but soon found it more of an info-overload channel.

After hearing so much about Twitter, my Pajamanation colleague, Chris convinced me to sign up, and I was immediately realize how Twitter has brought mobile phone text messaging (SMS) to the Web platform, and users can now broadcast to friends (and followers) for FREE! Free was good enough motivation for me to spend some decent hours exploring the nifty web app.

Today, as I'm not into much of telling the whole world, what I'm up to on hourly basis, I've only embedded it in my WoNoJo (myPajamanation) blog publishing RSS feeds from various sources including from my own blogs. A few friends of mines are still actively using it as micro-blog channel though. Hmm, didn't get a chance earlier to ask Evan earlier on how Twitter makes or plan to make money... Any of you guys got his contact email or Twitter ID??