Friday, November 16, 2007

Thoughts of The 2nd Day of Web 2.0 Japan

One of the key lesson learned today at the second and final day of the web 2.0 in Japan can me summed up in one keyword, i.e. "Mash-Up".

Mash-Up is the convergence of Information and Content.

The basic components of Mash-Ups are:

Fundamental data is easy to obtain and manage but the main challenge is to obtain the unstructured data. Key concerns are;
- validity of data
- seeking the data
- structuring the unstructured
- the lack of acceptable standard for API's
Samples of Mash-Ups can be seen at ZIMBRA (of which is recently bought over by YAHOO!)
Meantime, Joe Keller, Chief Marketing Officer of KAPOW Technologies talks about the convergence between 3 main components, i.e.:
1) Rich Interactive Applications
2) Do it Yourself Applications
3) Scripting Renaissance
Where content is the convergence of the three above, but more specifically, the ability to manage unstructured content.
The CTO of Opera Osftware International, Hakon Wium Lie brings our attention to a standard to allow browsers to be "light" and easy to manage all types of user generated contents.
Many browsers need to download and run plug-ins but Hakon agues that a browser MUST be able to manage and show content without such plug-ins.
Example of such contents are:
- videa
- combining video and SVG
- font management
- multi column
- 3D
... to name a few ....
Finally, Eric Klinker, CTO of Bit Torrent Inc highlights the need and future of the internet in the Power of Participation. And by this, lead to "User Contributed Infrastructure".
This is also known as the Distributed Social Computer Network" and this refers to the ability to manage ExaBytes of data in the shortest time frame and in the most efficient manner.
Data that shows this awesome growth is indicated in a study that Bit Torrent did on the Connsumer Internet Traffice Growth from 2005 to 2011.
In 2007 alone, the P2P traffic is at 1014 PB per month with a 35% CAGR!!!
He claims that it will tkae only 1 month for a P2P infra to manage 1 ExaByte, i.e. 1 ExaByte = 2^60 Bytes will take 3,507,000 months of TV (stream encoded at 1 Mbps) to download, while P2P infra will take 1 month to do the same. And this is ToDAY!!!
Its time to Mash-Up!
Note: more info can be found in Wikipedia. Click here.

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